Course curriculum

    1. Introduction: What is Grounding All About?

    2. Psycho-Educational Slides: An introduction to various grounding strategies and how to make them work for you!

    3. Conclusion: How to use this information to support you through triggers and overwhelming emotions

    4. More Resources

    5. Feedback

About this course

  • $39.00
  • 5 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Social proof: testimonials

— Kathryn S.

“I was expecting to learn about what grounding is, ways and ideas to ground myself in the moment, and how to go about actually doing it. I definitely feel my expectations were met. What helped the most was taking notes, listening to some sections multiple times, taking time to do the tasks and reflect on my situations. I loved being able to pause and listen again to pieces of information over and over. Hearing your examples were helpful. Giving time to reflect or do the suggested task was great. I honestly liked everything about the course. ”